Serving Acadia Parish

Welcome to acadia parish police jury

What is the police jury

The police jury is the governing authority for each parish that operates under the police jury system provided by the general laws of the state.


The Acadia Parish Police Jury is now taking applications for the following positions:

Fiscal Year 2025 Budget

Waste Inspection Press Release

Ordinance 2023 – 004 Solar Ordinance

Ordinance 2023 – 009 Solar Ordinance Amendment

SOB Ordinance

Bids can be submitted either in person at the Police Jury office or electronically at

Any questions to be directed to 337-788-8410


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Meetings and Minutes

All meetings are held in the Police Jury Meeting Room, Third Floor, at the Acadia Parish Courthouse, Crowley, Louisiana or at other locations at the discretion of the Police Jury.

Service Districts

Drainage Districts

Fire Protection Districts

Water Corporations

Area Officials

Code of ordinances

The Acadia Parish Policy Jury maintains its Code of Ordinances online for immediate access and review. Ordinances can be found here

The official code can be found at the Acadia Parish Clerk of Court.



Building & Grounds

Mosquito Control

Emergency Preparedness/Homeland Security

Le Gros Memorial Airport

Community Clinics

Building Permits

Solid Waste

Animal Control

Rice Arena

Road Maintenance