Rice Arena

This place has it all!  Functions at the Acadia Parish Rice Arena include:  horse shows, cattle shows, goat shows, team roping, calf roping, clinics, benefits, auctions, rodeos, barrel racings, cutting horse shows, 4-H livestock shows, etc.

40 RV sites available for rent

*$33 per night

*Full hook up with Water, Sewer, and Electricity (30 amp & 50 amp)

Horse Stalls for rent

*$16.50 per night

Business Hours

Monday-Fridays: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Acadia Rice Arena Events

February Events


Effective: June 1, 2022

The Acadia Rice Areana fee for renting the building is as follows:

$30.00 per hour (building rental)
$40.00 per hour (building rental with time clock, laser lights and use of tractor for dragging arena)

Daily Arena Rental

$350 with no Admission Fee
$450 with Admission Fee

Thank you for you continual support,

Jamie Doucet, Director


Administrative Staff

Jamie Doucet

Arena Director